
Top 9 Phone Scripts Mistakes to Avoid

05.02.15 02:23 AM By Kapil

Nine Common Strategic Scripting Errors That Guarantee Frustration and Lost Opportunity. Or…

How to Stop Beating Your Head Against the Wall and Start Meeting More Qualified Prospects.


9. Failure to have a strategic response to common objections.

When you hear “send some info.” “We are all set” or “call me back,” do you meekly say “OK?” Or, do you have a strategic response ready that separates the qualified prospects from the tire-kickers and can get you a meeting now rather than later?

8. You don’t communicate value.

If you continually get interrupted, shut-off or turned down, you are not communicating value. You are the issue, not the people you call.

7. You think scripts are the keyto prospecting success.

Wrong. Great scripts only help you if you are having conversations with the right people and enough of them. It is your system of organized calling and touches (you do have a system?) that consistently delivers you those conversations.

6. Failure to eliminate extra unnecessary words.

Get to the point. Seconds matter on the phone.

5. Failure to communicate credibility.

What experience or results have you achieved that makes you worth listening to?

4. Failure to communicate specific benefits.

You’re great. Provide great service. Nobody is listening. Jolt them alive by relating specific significant benefits you deliver.

3. You give your decision-maker control over the conversation.

Lay the proper foundation for the business result you seek to achieve before you start to speak.

2. Failure to communicate as a peer.

Don’t present yourself as the unworthy begging salesperson. You have value to present. You are just as important as they are. Act like it. Be confident.

1. Failure to write it down.

Prepare for common phone scenarios by writing down the best words to use to accomplish your business objective. Do you “make it up” or “wing-it” every time? You are leaving a lot of money on the table.

BONUS MISTAKE. You try to sell your product or service rather than the meeting.

Big difference between the two. Sell your service, no meeting. Sell the meeting; you have a shot at selling your service. Understand the difference in approach.
