
How to win more Strategic Accounts in 2016

15.11.15 08:16 AM By Kapil

Once upon a time, an old man named Strategic Selling lived with his 3 sons Calling, Emailing, and Social Selling in a village. All his 3 sons were hard workers. Still, none of them agreed with each other and quarrelled all the time by claiming I’m the best and you are dead/ old-schooled. The old man tried a lot to unite them, but he failed. While the villagers were surprised at their hard work and efforts, they also made fun of them on their fights.

Months passed by and the old man fell sick. He talked to Calling, Emailing & Social selling, his sons to stay united, but none of his sons heard his words. So, he decided to teach them a practical lesson so that they would shed off their differences and stay united.

The old man called as his sons. He told them, ‘I will give you a bundle of sticks. Separate each stick and you will have to break each stick into pieces of two. The one who breaks the sticks quickly will be rewarded more.’

All sons agreed.

The old man gave a bundle of 10 sticks to every one of them and asked to break it into pieces. All the sons broke the sticks into pieces in minutes.

And again they started to quarrel among themselves as who came first.

The old man said, ‘Dear sons, the game is not over. Now I will give another bundle of sticks to all of you. You will have to break the sticks as a bundle, not as separate sticks.’

The sons agreed and began to break the bundle of sticks. Unfortunately, they could not break the bundle. They tried very hard but failed to complete the task.

All sons said to the father about their failure.

The old man (Strategic Selling) replied, ‘Dear sons, See! You could easily break the single sticks into pieces, but you were not able to break the bundle! The sticks were same. So, if you stay united, nobody can make any harm to you. If you quarrel every time with your brothers, anyone can easily defeat you. I request you to stay united.’

The three sons understood the power of unity and promised their father that whatever be the problem, they would all stay together.

Moral: Unity is Strength!

Therefore, to get more sales in 2016, sales organization must use the multifaceted approach of Calling, Emailing and Social Selling to win more strategic accounts. None of the approach is dead and none of the approach is a silver bullet to break a large account.

As there are multiple buyers involved in strategic deals, so you need to remember the following about the buyers:
  • They want to look smart
  • They want to feel important
  • They want to avoid needless risks
  • They want to be listened
  • They have a life after office, which they want to enjoy by going home on time
  • They want to succeed, however they define that
  • They want to collaborate with the guy who can take them ahead of their work and priorities
  • They want to be a hero
  • They have a stated (Rational) and un-stated (Emotional) needs
Assumptions you need to break in 2016:
  • Buyers understand my value
  • They know almost as much as I do
  • They will read my PDFs, PPTs, Contents and go through the links what I give them
  • They will come prepared for our meeting
  • Buyers want to have a sample or demo right now
  • Buyers know how to influence others within the organization
  • They will advocate or champion my stuff because it is as important to them as it is to me
#sellmore #winmore #strategicaccounts #UnityIsStrength @salesmojos
